Pure Graphite Ring

Product Code: Grafit Ring
Definition : Pure graphite rings, neatly brought together under high pressure are made of pure expanded graphite layer is compressed in precise patterns.

. High operating temperature and pressure
. Self-lubricating (very low coefficient of friction)
. Section: square, round, triangular and V-shape
. 45 degrees can be cut

Intensity Carbon Ratio Ashes To Rate Chloride Rate Sulphur Rate Operating Temperature Operating Pressure Hız PH
% 99 ≤ % 1 ≤ 50 ppm ≤ 1200 ppm ≤  550 0C ≤  550 Bar 2-10 m/s 0-14
Inner Diameter Outside Diameter Thick
3-1000 mm 6-1100 mm ≥ 0.6 mm
Graphite Based Products
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