Pressed Wool Felt

Product Code: Yün Keçe
Definition : Weaving, knitting or bonding without completely wool or other synthetic fibers produced by combining linked and combinations of fibers formed by a material having a lot of areas. Thick or thin, soft or hard, or may be white or colored. One hundred percent wool made of this material has numerous applications. Some of them are given below.

Application Areas :

. Dust collection and insulation
. In place polishers
. In the manufacture of industrial gloves
. As a lubricating wick
. Oil, air and liquid filter
. In the oil and grease seals
. The packaging
. Polishing and polishing
. Pressure in the cylinder
. Window as channel stuffing
. Strips of metal wiper

Intensity Tensile Strength Improvement of Compressibility Temperature Strength Noise Reduction
0,42 gr/cm3 3500 kn/mm2 %98 -80 oC - 180 oC 0,45
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